Living Bad Dreams


Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:30 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


PAINKILLER - The Remastered

Song Author

Judas Priest

Tabbed by

Richard Cabanski (Richkiller)


1st → Rob Halford
2nd → Glenn Tipton ?
3rd → K.K.Downing ?
4th → ( Strings )
5th → Ian Hill
6th → Scott Travis

File Size

76 KB




I'm hyp-no-tised and help-less Be-neath the pale full moon My bo-dy is your sac-ri-fice Your spi-rit's co-ming soon I stare up at a squa-lid night It's been so cold and smooth Turns ten-der kis-ses in-to bites As you be-gin to move You look so weak and fra-gile You seem to drip and sway But you swept me up in-to your arms And car-ried me a-way I'm li-ving bad dreams I can't run from you I'm li-ving bad dreams This night-mare's co-ming true You led me to temp-ta-tion De-li-vered me to pain I walked u-pon your hal-lowed ground My soul is yours to gain Your pas-sion drains my e-ner-gy Fear starts run-ning deep I'm fal-ling in slow mo-tion In-to e-ter-nal sleep I'm li-ving bad dreams I can't run from you I'm li-ving bad dreams This night-mare's co-ming true Your pas-sion drains my e-ne-rgy Fear starts run-ning deep I'm fal-ling in slow mo-tion In-to e-ter-nal sleep I'm li-ving bad dreams I can't run from you I'm li-ving bad dreams There�s no-thing I can do I'm li-ving bad dreams I can't run from you I'm li-ving bad dreams This night-mare's co-ming true I'm li-ving bad dreams oo-oo-ohh ohh I don't want bad dreams Li-ving bad dreams


I couldn't hear the Bass Guitar in this song so good ! It's very softly, so the bass line isn't maybe 100% that what IAN played. But I did the best and made some lines, which not disturbed the other instruments ! Oh, this fucking solo is very hard to hear out, so when you think that's wrong, then you're right, but I didn't make the solo and I don't know, what K.K. or GLENN plays exactly. It's something like this. If you are not satisfied, try to hear out the solo by yourself ! Perhaps, you can it better than Me!